Sunday, December 29, 2013

Spiritual Paths

I have been asked repeatedly if I thought a certain discipline (Christianity, Taoism, Buddhism, etc.) was a good spiritual path to follow, whether following that path would lead to a firm and thorough spiritual connection.  My position is that, to a large extent, it does not matter what name you use, all paths have the potential of leading to the same thing, often using different words.  The path I have chosen has no formal name, since I always encountered some degree of judgment, criticism, and confinement when I chose to follow an established discipline, attitudes which do not fit within an open spiritual quest.  With those cautions in mind, I agree with Kornfield when he commented that “If we do a little of one kind of practice and a little of another, the work we have done in one often doesn't continue to build as we change to the next. It is as if we were to dig many shallow wells instead of one deep one."  Meaning, it is important to stick with one path and to follow that path “deeply”.