Thursday, March 6, 2014

Staying Open

I realize that many of my ideas run counter to commonly held beliefs and I continue with those ideas because they seem to be true.  I also realize that I am totally capable of self-delusion, that some of my ideas are wrong and I should just let them go.  For example, my notion that we each have a love or God part within us that we can choose to nurture and focus on runs counter to the belief that we are an aggressive species.  I continue with that belief because there is ample evidence for it, such as my comments yesterday.  On the other hand, I had some beliefs about one of the people I interact with, which I talked with him about today.  He informed me that I was wrong and provided me with information that also said I was wrong, so I discarded those beliefs, quickly, easily and completely.  My approach requires that I stay open to input and not attached to my own beliefs, which sounds simple, but both require that I keep my ego in check.