Thursday, December 8, 2016


Quantum field theory seems to be where modern reductive science and spirituality meet. Love can be considered as a force within that field that then has an influence on the particles of everyday life. Mary Conrow Coelho refers to that field or space between particles as the "plenum" and then comments that "it might be proposed, in addition, that the plenum has powers and modes of influence within the manifest world, influences that are experienced in subjective ways that are not the subject of science. These various attributes may include what we, subjectively, recognize as numinosity, an alluring quality often experienced as love and powers of healing and centering (through the ordering of the Self/Soul) as well as creativity ---- qualities of experience some religious thinkers have attributed to God." I have certainly seen evidence of this influence in the physical healing I and others near me have experienced. I make use of this numinosity on a daily basis.