Sunday, May 14, 2017


It’s a weird paradox but I am totally fine and at peace with the way my life is today and yet I fully expect it to change and will be fine with that as well. Over the last several years I have been given many gifts, some spectacular like my near death experience and being with God, others have been quiet like the transformation that I have been going through recently. Most notably I have aligned myself with the force I call God and I feel very good about that. Saint Faustina puts it well in her diary: "Neither graces, nor revelations, nor raptures, nor gifts granted to a soul make it perfect, but rather the intimate union of the soul with God. These gifts are merely ornaments of the soul, but constitute neither its essence nor its perfection. My sanctity and perfection consist in the close union of my will with the will of God. God never violates our free will. It is up to us whether we want to receive God’s grace or not. It is up to us whether we will cooperate with it or waste it."