Monday, May 22, 2017


Many years ago I prayed for discernment, the ability to detect whether a message or action was from Spirit/God or from some aspect of self, some form of self interest not the general welfare. I have since been granted that gift, if I have the clarity to listen. On those occasions that I cannot achieve that clarity, I check with others that I trust. If I get a message, what a Quaker would call a leading, that intuitively feels like a clear, joyful mountain spring, I generally go ahead. Such messages are almost always other directed and sometimes at the expense of self. If, on the other hand, the message feels like a turbid, sluggish lake, I know to take no action. I also make use of the three questions that are the central focus of my book (would I do this in front of God, or whatever you call that power/force?; is my name really on it or is it really my responsibility?; will this increase the integrity of the universe, or is this loving?).