Friday, May 12, 2017

Life of Prayer

I find that I still enjoy activities like regular household tasks, cooking and gardening. I also take a lot of pleasure in my material possessions, especially our several hand made items. I especially enjoy my connections and loving relationships. However my attachments and the familiar ego self is largely gone or a shadow of what it was. This is all part of living within a "bubble of love" and practicing constant prayer and meditation. In the words of Thomas H. Green, S.J. "The life of prayer is perhaps the most mysterious dimension of all human experience. We come to be at home with a God we cannot see. We discover that it is only by giving ourselves away totally that we truly come to possess ourselves, that we are most free when most surrendered. We begin to realize that light is darkness and darkness light. We become lost in a trackless desert — and then, if we persevere despite our disorientation, we begin to realize that it is only being lost, in losing ourselves, that we are found. The whole of our life and not just our prayer life, becomes a paradox, an apparent contradiction concealing and revealing a deeper truth, because we begin to realize that we must live as we pray."