Friday, December 3, 2021

Gratitude and Isolation

  Right now the house is filled with the giggling chatter of young women — delightful.  I do not speak their language but their energy is wonderful to feel.  I do not need much contact with other beings, but this degree of isolation (pandemic) is getting to me so I am taking steps.  My regular recovery meeting has gone back to “zoom” so I am planning to add another in-person meeting and may add more, if I can find them.  We are also getting more work done on the house.  One of the young women came to  me and announced that they were done with the office which I translated to mean “We want you to go to the office!”.  Which I did and they are now cleaning where I was


  It has been four months since my last journal/blog entry.  The time passed quickly and easily.  I was not feeling the peace and gratitude I normally feel and I realize now that I was feeling the stress because of the isolation and the uncertainty of my life being up in the air.  I was also trying to do to much.  I needed to take a brake to sort my life out a bit and I felt no inspiration to write.  I have been focusing more on gratitude and I have taken measures to reduce my responsibilities.  I have closed down my website and hired a giggling and joy full group of young Mexican women to keep the house clean (a cleaning service).  I can’t say I like it but it’s clear to me that simply being “Charlie” for a day is a workout for me.