Saturday, May 7, 2022

Holistic Healing

  Whenever I am experiencing physical pain, in addition to addressing the physical issues, I look for any emotional component since dealing with that aspect facilitates healing.  Today I had an injured forefinger which got infected and became extremely painful.  I meditated on the pain and was surprised to encounter a thought/feeling/part of me which felt that I deserved the pain — a hangover from my upbringing.  I have been growing and aspire to be “all I can be”.  There is apparently a part of me that thinks such aspirations in a lowly human such as myself should be punished.  Sigh!  Loving myself and asking for guidance took care of that. 

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Self Care

  I have come to enjoy feeling loving, peaceful and quiet most of the time.  It is a condition that I find necessary to maintain using quiet time, frequent meditation and conscious contact.  I find that I am easily distracted by things like most news reports and some household tasks.  Quiet gardening, cooking and quiet time work for me.  Self care has become very important, but I still have to remind myself to take the time.

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

After Death

  Back in 2006 I had a near-death-experience where I either died or came close to dying and was transported to the spirit realm, commonly called the “other side”.  During the experience I was told “this what it feels like to be dead” and given the choice of returning to the living or staying there.  I made the choice of coming back because of the powerful unconditional love I felt there.  I knew I could continue to experience that feeling by coming back and spreading love. Since coming back I have also joined a group of others who have  had NDEs.  We talk about the experiences which differ some in each case.  Our tendency is to conceptualize the experience using worldly terms and values.  Having been there it is clear to me that the other side of death is very different from this realm. The difference is so great that we are incapable of conceptualizing what it would be like — so I just enjoy the feeling.

Tuesday, May 3, 2022


  During my recovery group today the importance of being able to discern negative and potentially harmful people was discussed.  This was mentioned as a particular problem when viewing all people through the lense of unconditional love, as mentioned in the last entry.  Viewing all people as “beautiful and wonderful” could be dangerous if they did something potentially harmful.  I realized that I actually prayed for and was granted discernment.  I now trust people to be themselves and love them regardless of what they do.  If they do something that could potentially be harmful, I get out of the way, expect it, and do not take it personally 

All People Are Beautiful

  Many years ago, during a sweat lodge, I asked to “see things the way God does”.  My prayer was granted during my NDE (near-death-experience) and the “downloading” in the months after.  I learned and, eventually, came to feel through the powerful unconditional love of that plane that “all people are beautiful and wonderful”. The feeling was similar but stronger that a parent might have toward his or her beloved children, even when they do something harmful to themselves or others. When I first had that feeling myself, I asked how I could continue to function in today’s world with such a feeling.  I was told simply that “you’ll get used to it”.