Sunday, October 1, 2023

Sacred Balance

  Life on this planet is sacred and beautiful.  I can see it, feel it and enjoy it all day, every day if I am internally and externally quiet.  The beauty includes all things alive and supposedly dead — rocks, trees, soil, babies, sunsets, death/dying and feces.  Everything is becoming or fading in a beautiful and delicate balance.  I find it easy to celebrate the creation side of this scenario with its growth, hope and promise.  It is also important for me to realize that death/dying/fading is a necessary part of creation.  That part is sad and often contains regret for me, but also the possibility of more creation.  “It [inner silence] is to establish an inner peace, an inner harmony, which will allow us authentically to contribute to the establishment of an outer peace and an outer harmony in the world at large.” (Daniel A. Seeger)