Saturday, January 9, 2021

Dark Side

  This morning I am reflecting back on a few days ago when there was a violent invasion of the U.S. capital building, emotional turmoil and the death of five people.  The events were very shocking but also had been brewing for a few weeks.  The events were horrific and should never have happened but I also need to realize that my dark side is capable of destructive act too.  I need to keep up the self-care, my spiritual connection and keep in mind that love can conquer hate but more hate cannot.  “There is an urgent biological imperative to make the Shadow conscious.  The moral burden of this immense task is greater than any previous generation could have even conceived: the destiny of the planet and our entire solar system is in our hands." (A. Stevens)

Friday, January 8, 2021


  As a species it is sometimes hard to see but we are evolving towards a more compassionate, loving life attitude.  The recent violent and destructive events in our capital were certainly distressing but they also brought several prominent figures closer to the goal of compassion.  Those events helped them realize that the self-centered, appositional path was not working for them.  I am reminded of the destructive, self-centered, even somewhat antisocial, path I was following before I began recovery and a more loving, spiritual life.  I had to go through that destructive period and be convinced it was not working before I could change.

Thursday, January 7, 2021


  This morning I find myself reflecting on my own personal responsibility, especially with the recent upheaval in events close by in DC.  I am certainly responsible for things like personal hygiene, sleep and diet, but many worldly happenings are none of my business, beyond having some awareness of what is happening.  In a democratic culture I consider it a good idea to be aware, but self-care mandates that I stay detached beyond my own involvement.  I like to listen to NPR or read the “Washington Post” for a short time each day but beyond that I get distracted from my rest and meditation.  I start to feel part of the chaos.

Wednesday, January 6, 2021


  Yesterday I was listening on NPR about concerns and worries surrounding the potential administration of various vaccines for covid-19.  They then switched topics to racism and the violence of some of the protests and switched again to the economy and the antics of our president.  I felt alarmed.  I then meditated, getting in touch with my higher self and the peace and love of eternity.  It’s easy to forget but I prefer peace and love.  “From everywhere, it seems, we are bombarded with the idea that our nature is innately violent, that our chief preoccupation is with our sexuality, and that our main purpose in life is the acquirement of ever more nifty possessions.......Indeed, it is only through the practice of inner silence that we can begin to disentangle ourselves from our culture and its illusions. (Seeger)

Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Meditation and Gratitude

  On the 3rd I attended a two hour  Zoom meeting of people talking about NDEs and general spiritually transforming experiences.  Most of the participants had experienced some sort of transformation and it was certainly nice for me to be part of a group discussing these events since similar occurrences in my life have been so important to me.  I left the group feeling extreme gratitude for gifts and guidance I have been given.  Largely through meditation I have come to be aware of many of the points talked about during the meeting.  I feel a strong sense of peace and love during these troubled times.

Monday, January 4, 2021


  During my work with spirits I was asked to provide them with some rules of conduct which I found surprising since in my past if anyone tried to apply rules to me, I would rebel and not do them.  If I am in an atmosphere of love I spontaneously do what is required of me.  I am not authoritarian but I did come up with a set of rules which seemed to satisfy.  1.  Love your brother/sister as yourself; 2. Love everybody and everything; 3. Do not judge; 4. Do not criticize; 5. Never condemn.  These rules reflect what I understand of God’s guidance and being.