Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Changing Attitudes & Behaviors

In terms of behaviors and attitudes, I have been stuck, relatively immobile, most of my life, though not recently.  My stuckness was not due to my upbringing, low self-esteem, intellect or any of a number of other things which I originally thought were the cause.  It was due to the fear of change, a lack of trust and faith.  I have, more recently, changed my attitude to that of love and faith with the result that the fears have dissolved.  Change and fluidity have become a part of my life and I enjoy the situation, it feels more natural.
Several people in my life are also stuck in lives that they either don’t enjoy or that they are actively trying to get away from.  One way to do that is to simply punch through the fears and change.  Another way is to first work on increasing the feelings of love and faith and then change.  I use the latter and find it more successful.