Friday, October 25, 2013

A New Perspective

The central topic in the recovery meeting I attended today was “gratitude”.  As I indicated in that meeting, I find it easy to be grateful when my life is going smoothly and things turn out the way I prefer.  However, that is usually not what happens and I still find myself profoundly grateful for the wonderful life I lead, due largely to my change in perspective, away from the material and towards the non-material/eternal, over the last several years.
Years ago I was young, very strong and appeared to be in good shape.  I was also well respected in my field of study, had been invited to speak at prestigious universities and asked to prepare a summary for “Important Men in Science”.  My wife and I were both working, so we had material success and security.  These were all things that I was taught would result in happiness.  I was also an active alcoholic and miserable.  Now, I have none of the things I just mentioned.  I am sixty-five, disabled, lead a relatively obscure life and my wife does not work outside of the home so we get by on what I make.  In short, I have no security.  I am also very happy since I have daily connections and many loving relationships.  I realize that material things mean next to nothing, and place my emphasis on the non-material.