Thursday, March 26, 2015

Diffuse Awareness

Today I have been reflecting a lot on what deCastillejo calls feminine diffuse awareness, which I make extensive use of daily.  As she says "I cannot stress to strongly that matriarchal consciousness or diffuse awareness is not identical with the formless chaos of the unconscious.  It is emphatically not unconscious.  Its difference in quality from masculine focused consciousness with which we are all familiar, lies in its whole unbroken state which defies scientific analysis and logical deduction, and is therefore not possible to formulate in clear unambiguous terms."  It's hard to define or pin down any exact concept for feminine diffuse awareness, which is precisely the point.  It includes things like intuition, knowing, sensing, truth and feeling.  Combined with the logic of masculine focused consciousness it is good, without it can lead to superstition and fantasy.