Saturday, December 31, 2016

Working With Others

I have had the honor of working with many people of all ages and backgrounds over the years. I always keep in mind that the objective of my working with them is their growth and development not my own. My objective is to serve their needs, an idea expressed nicely by Walsch when he commented that "A true Master is not the one with the most students, but the one who creates the most Masters. A true leader is not the one with the most followers, but the one who creates the most leaders. A true king is not the one with the most subjects, but the one who leads the most to royalty. A true teacher is not the one with the most knowledge, but the one who causes the most others to have knowledge." The other idea I keep in mind is that "a master craftsman leaves no trace", meaning if they do well and think I had nothing to do with it, I have done my job well.