Friday, June 23, 2017


Today was a day of quiet, patient (mostly!) listening for guidance, meaning meditation, contemplation and the mundane activities that allow them, like walking and weeding. Many of my activities including the work at Gettysburg and mentoring involve "humble and hidden activities", meaning lots of work with little ego gratification since no one knows. I like the words of Patricia Loring, "It requires even more discernment to discover whether the ministry called for from a particular individual in a particular instance requires prophetic speech, humble and hidden activities, bold and dramatic action, professional service or some ,novel and previously unimagined course." I attempt to listen and take whatever action is required. She goes on to say "To undertake to live a discerned life, to endeavor daily to be attuned to authentic movements of the Spirit leading us into greater fullness of life, is a strenuous undertaking."