Friday, March 8, 2013

Levels of Change

I have gone through a lot of personal changes in the last several years, and I certainly realize how difficult some changes are, particularly changes in deep, core values.  The toughest changes for me have been around supposedly “incurable” health issues and my own power to heal them, using love and the healing power of God.  Through the process, I have come to realize and take part in, an immense source of power.  I now use that power and am with it daily.
I have encountered three “levels” that all need to shift if a change is to take place.  I have found that I can influence each of the three levels, using love, understanding and compassion.  If I try to force my will on any of the levels out of fear, which I have done, I fail.  The three levels are; the personal level, the level of what is usually called the collective consciousness and the karmic or soul level.  They all need to shift for a change to take place.  At the personal level there are beliefs such as unworthiness, incapability, attachment and need that have caused me to stay stuck in old patterns of behavior that cause me emotional or physical pain and difficulty.  For example, my believing what the doctors say or depending on medication.  These beliefs are actually comforting, but they also hold me back, and are very difficult to change.
The level of the collective consciousness is, in many cases, the easiest level to change but it does require a lot of patience, forcing it does not work.  I have found this level to be less “gut wrenching”, than the other two.  Basically, if the collective consciousness is that the desired change is totally out of reach and a matter of denial or fantasy, then the force of that collective belief will make the change impossible or very difficult or impossible.  For example, in my case, I need and needed to change the general belief that I will simply deteriorate and die.
The third level that needs to change is the soul or karmic level, which, I have found, can only be addressed through meditation and/or intuition.  There are issues, at a soul level, that I am trying to learn or transcend.  I have found that I need to address these issues, before I can move on to the next set of issues.  For example, in my case, I needed to accept my alcoholism and the fact that my body was not perfect, that I was not “less of a man” because of either of these factors.