Monday, May 20, 2013

Trustnig The Process

Without going into details for confidentiality reasons, decisions were made, over the past weeks, concerning one of my clients that, initially, I did not agree with.  My concern was that the decisions were harmful to the welfare of my client.  During meditation, when I got into a peaceful, receptive state, I heard/felt “do not be concerned the universe is unfolding as it should”, which I, then, assumed to be true and found very comforting.  I went about my dealings with this client/situation believing that everything would work out in the end, no matter how unlikely that seemed at the time.  I was careful to take the actions that seemed, intuitively, to be right and motivated by love and integrity, rather than fear.  I was especially careful concerning actions I did not want to take because they put myself at risk.  Today it seems that everything will, indeed, work out for everyone’s benefit.