Friday, June 7, 2013

Bubble of Love

Generally, I walk around each day within, what I describe as a “bubble of love”, which changes the way I interact with people, places and things.  In the past, and sometimes in the present, I walked around in what I would describe as a “bubble of fear”, as if everything and everybody was a potential threat and that I needed to be on guard and protect myself.  I was not paranoid about my environment, just aware and a bit on guard, the way most people seem to be, and I was raised to be.  At any rate, my attitude today tends to be something like: everything and everyone is under the care and guidance of the benevolent force I call God, that I am part of that force and my assumption is that I will be taken care of, that I need not understand and that “the universe is unfolding as it should”.
Every once in a while, I fall back into fear, like the other day when I was experiencing some computer difficulties or someone questioned my approach to life.  When that happens I really do not like the way it feels and I explore the feeling and its cause during meditation.  Then I decide what course of action I need to take in order to get back to a loving space, which now feels more normal.