Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Finding The God Place

During my morning meditation I systematically reject the many, fear-based distractions that my brain places in front of me and, then, arrive at the “God place” of love, peace, well-being and connectedness.  The fact is that the reality of the God place is always there, I just need to clear away the distractions of day to day living in order to find it.  In meditation I simply take note of concepts and ideas of my brain rather than try to push them away or draw them to me.  I then realize that the ideas are transient, have no real meaning and let them go, sometimes repeatedly.  When I do that, just like letting the stirred up mud in a stream clear, the presence of what is really there becomes clear, meaning the God place.  I can, often, carry this attitude with me during the day, realizing when I get drawn into the distractions and letting them go.