Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Being Gentle With Myself

I was reminded several times today that I am my main block to my own spiritual and emotional growth.  I realized several years ago that I was attached to various ideas, attitudes, expectations of what should be, and that my own ideas and attitudes held me back.  Having realized that, my tendency, at that time, was to use harsh judgment and criticism toward myself.  I have since come to realize that harsh judgment and criticism toward myself (or anyone else!) accomplishes nothing other than making me feel bad.  Instead, borrowing from Kornfield, I think of myself as a warm, well intentioned, stupid puppy.  I, more or less, expect a puppy to take a dump on my valuable oriental carpet or chew the legs of my furniture, and love that puppy regardless.  I find it hard to be angry at the puppy, at least for long.  A good approach to myself.