Tuesday, April 1, 2014

A Loving God

Due largely to my “being with” God during periods of prayer and meditation, it is clear to me that it is not necessary to use any specific name when referring to God, I don’t, and it is clear that force/power does not care.  It also seems clear to me that God is not “hurt” or “angry” due to any actions or inaction of humans, like the many negative things that I have done in my past.  My sense and  experience is that these beliefs are personifications and God is not a person with a fragile ego, the beliefs simply do not apply.  I have encountered God as an overwhelming source of love and I find no need to define or describe beyond that.  If I choose to align myself with that loving power/force, which I do, it changes my life.  I will do whatever that power/force directs me to and that choice makes a difference.