Wednesday, June 24, 2015

God Seed 2

In my case, I used to be totally focused on money, power, prestige, material possessions and intellectual achievement.  Along with this focus was a fear-based approach to life.  In a nutshell, I went to work and accomplished things because I was afraid of what would happen if I did not.  I was trying to please other people, like my parents, as my primary measure of success.  I felt stress and was “driven” to succeed.  I recognize now that my actions were “feeding” the part of myself that was based on fear.  At this point my focus is on doing the “next right thing”, what is right for me and being in harmony with God/love and the universe.  In short, I now have a very love-based approach to life.  I am now feeding the “God seed”.  Having done them both, I realize that the potential for each is inside me and I also see each in the people around me.  I cannot judge others since I know the potential for each is there and each approach feels very real when using it.