Sunday, May 29, 2016

Holistic Health

This morning, before my recovery meeting, an older looking fellow using a walker and with obvious muscular/neurological difficulties was assisted to the seat next to mine by his nurse. The man also had the left eye of his glasses blacked out and a small microphone in front of his mouth to make it so people could hear him when he spoke. He looked to be in pretty rough shape. I was wondering why he purposely sat next to me since there were lots of other seats available. He then turned to me, took off his glasses and began to speak in an amplified whisper. I suddenly realized, with a jolt, that he was an old friend. He was in much worse shape than I was. About a decade ago he began having the neurological and muscular problems of Parkinson’s disease which had now progressed and had been exacerbated by several strokes. At that time he elected to follow a western medicine approach to his problem, while I chose to follow the holistic approach outlined in my website and book. It struck me very forcefully that "there, but for the grace of God" went I. According to western medicine I should have been quite a bit worse off or dead.