Friday, December 9, 2016

Spirit Person

According to Borg I am a spirit person, meaning that I have "an experiential awareness of the reality of God." I am not sure how it happened but I am aware of God/love in everything I do and say, an indescribable feeling. One fact that I have come to understand is that it makes no difference what name you use or no name at all - the love is still there. I have a deep understanding of another of his comments, that "Finally, the image of Jesus as a spirit person has implications for how we think of the Christian life. It shifts the focus of the Christian life from believing in Jesus or believing in God to being in relationship to the same spirit that Jesus knew. It is the claim that I emphasized at the end of chapter 1 and that will emerge yet again in this book: that the Christian life moves beyond believing in God to being in relationship to God."