Friday, August 2, 2013

Asking For Guidance

It’s a bit hard to describe, but I realized today that I don’t even get to the point of feeling “doubtful or agitated” before asking for help and guidance, I simply ask for guidance all day, especially in potentially difficult situations rather than encountering difficult situations, emotionally reacting to them and then asking for guidance.  As I have said before, I sometimes have no idea why I do what I do, but I have trust and faith that if I listen and act accordingly, that everything will work out well and it always does.  I am very clear that I am merely an actor for everyone’s benefit and that I am not in charge.  I just act “spontaneously” as Nisargadata Maharaj would say.  I think that starting out each day with a period of prayer and meditation, the way I do, is critical to this approach.