Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Eternal Truths

It is totally amazing, somewhat incredible and very reassuring for me to find out that the various mystics, spiritual leaders or enlightened masters from a variety of disciplines have all encountered the same eternal truths as I have.  Generally, what happens, in my case, is that I will experience something like the feelings of the Absolute in the God place and then read a description, in their own words, from Saint Teresa of Avila, Saint John of the Cross, Nisargadata Maharaj or Black Elk, of the same thing.  This is a pattern that has happened repeatedly.  I have had no formal training and was not raised within any tradition, and yet arrive at the same eternal truths.  Apparently, those truths simply exist and are encountered by clearing away attachments and distractions during things like the prayer of quiet or meditation.  I believe them to be real.