Sunday, March 2, 2014

The Presence

Today, I had the experience of meeting with several people of a variety of ages, backgrounds and family positions, parents and offspring with differing histories.  I was very much aware of being in a pivotal position and yet only being a participant, not being in charge.  I was strongly reminded of the words of the Jungian psychologist Claremont deCastillejo when she said "For there to be a meeting, it seems as though a third, a something else, is always present.  You may call it Love, or the Holy Spirit.  Jungians would say that it is the presence of the Self.  If this 'Other' is present, there cannot have failed to be a meeting."  She also commented that "Great deeds can only be achieved when we are more than our little selves.  When we are lent wings we should not reject them." For me, it was an amazing day.