Monday, February 6, 2017


I still make regular use of the three questions I describe in my book; would I do this in front of God, or whatever you call that power/force?; is my name really on it or is it really my responsibility?; will this increase the integrity of the universe, or is this loving? I find it quite entertaining that virtually every time I use the questions my ego or that part of my brain tries to rationalize some sort of self-gratifying behavior which, if I follow, leaves me feeling a bit "dirty" and knowing I did the wrong thing. For example today I wanted to suggest to someone that they "quiet their mind" more completely in order to listen better. The ego part of me told me to word the suggestion in such a way that made it clear that I have overcome the problem of a noisy mind, thus showing that I was superior. I have not - and I stated that it was something I work on constantly.