Monday, April 10, 2017

Mystical Experience

Maria, my wife, set up and we performed the Columbia, MD version of a sweat lodge ceremony, a mystical experience. I say "Columbia, MD version" since our H.O.A. does not allow open fires so no fire, hot stones or the steam they generate - all electric. Still a mystical experience involving prayer and meditation. In the words of Dubay, S.M. "A mystical touch is a deep, intimate contact-union-experience of God in one of His attributes such as power, light, goodness, beauty, or joy." I particularly asked to be "relieved of the bondage of self" since, on the one hand, I feel unworthy of the honor of such a ceremony and, on the other hand, know that has nothing to do with it. He goes on to say "Speaking of touches ‘The delights they engender more than compensate for all the trials suffered in life, even though innumerable’".