Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Both, And

In my reading and general explorations of life I keep running into two seemingly different points of view, the reductionist and the metaphysical or spiritual. The reductionist view is summarized nicely by the words of physicist, Sean Carroll; "Almost all of human experience is accounted for by a very small number of ingredients. The various atomic nuclei that we find in elements of the periodic table; the electrons that swirl around them; and two long-range forces through which they all interact, gravity and electromagnatism. If you want to describe what goes on in rocks and puddles, pineapples and armadillos ------ that’s all you need. On the other hand the spiritual leader, Rufus Jones made comments that encompass the more spiritual view; "So long as we are satisfied to confine our attention to exact description of what is, and to study of antecedent causes, the dramatic features of the universe will necessarily escape us, and we shall get no intimation of an Intelligence operative throughout the unfolding drama." If a person holds either view, exclusively, it will have no impact on the reality of the situation and I find it intriguing that both views are valid and "right". They are finally coming together in quantum physics. I prefer both. I enjoy each view. Life is a wonder!