Tuesday, December 5, 2017


In my reading today and often in the past, I encounter comments about the obvious, destructive and frequently tragic "evil" events in this world of ours. There is usually some sort of comment about how these events are not Loving and cannot possibly come from God. I lived the negative or evil parts of myself for several years, not all the time, but at times being harmful and destructive to myself and others. These events were unquestionably harmful but also eventually, later in my life, contributed to my understanding, love and empathy for others. In my view the apparent destructive events were, in fact, loving. In the words of Irene Claremont deCastillejo; "That accident whose cause was so apparent may have had an inner meaning we cannot see. That sudden death which we think could have been so easily avoided with greater consciousness may not have been the tragedy it appears. The man who died may have been needed elsewhere. We simply do not know. Scientists discover and theologians affirm; but faced with the mystery of life and death we know almost nothing."