Sunday, September 2, 2018


In the sweat lodge we referred to the earth as our mother and it was there that I began to think of the plants and animals as my brothers and sisters. It feels like everything and everyone are all connected as one. When I walk outside or during my dawn ceremony I can also feel the Presence of the loving force I call God. It feels glorious and I am extremely grateful to be aware and feel the connection.  "I tell you, I am in every flower, every rainbow, every star in the heavens, and everything in and on every planet rotating around every star. I am the whisper of the wind, the warmth of your sun, the incredible individuality and the extraordinary perfection of each snowflake. I am the majesty in the soaring flight of eagles, and the innocence of the doe in the field; the courage of lions, the wisdom of the ancient ones." (Neale Donald Walsch, G. P., )