Wednesday, September 5, 2018


Yesterday I wrote of one of the many gifts I have received from God during the process of my life. We all receive gifts, usually as a result of overcoming some sort of challenge or difficulty. In my case the difficulties usually came in the form of pain or fear and, in some way, associated with my disability. In the past I needed pain or fear to motivate me but now I also listen to the more positive love voice. According to Marianne Williamson "We will be given every opportunity to learn through joy, and when we deny ourselves that, we will learn through pain. But we will learn." Right now, as a result of those gifts, I live in a world of joy and love. She goes on to write "If you can rise above the fear in your life and live the love within you, and if I can rise above my fear and live the love in me-----if that drama is reenacted enough times by enough of the world’s people-----then we will pierce the cosmic darkness and tip the world in the direction of light."