Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sensing the Aura

I encountered several people telling conflicting stories about each other today, a situation that I have encountered many times before.  I was also being asked to sort through all of this, in order that appropriate action might be taken.  It was frustrating and I just took my best guess and went with it.
Each of us project an energy field around us that does not lie or manipulate, which some people see as an “aura” and I can feel but not see.  It is a bit different for each individual, much like differences in facial expressions or body type.  As a result of the differences, I have to get to know a person in order to discern what is being communicated through their aura.  That is the only way I know of to sort through the conflicting stories I speak of in the preceding paragraph.

I was talking to an individual today and sensing his energy field, as a part of the deep listening I do when really connecting with the person I am talking to.  In order to do this level of listening, it has to be totally selfless, without ego involvement and based on love and compassion for the person I am speaking with.  Fundamentally, I need to first resolve my own issues and/or get them out of the way.  I was able to do that successfully in this case.  In the process of switching topics I could feel his energy field switch also, which was quite remarkable for me.  I also checked it with him and though the switch was totally subconscious and involuntary, he could feel it too.