Friday, June 21, 2013

Sorting Time

As much as possible, I try to lead a life which is in harmony with the universe and without personal, historical or cultural bias, but I also know that I don’t always succeed.  Actions in harmony tend to be more loving and to increase the integrity of the universe, they just feel right.  Actions that are not in harmony result in a “twisted” feeling in my gut, they feel wrong.  When I meditate or indulge (usually a movie or mindless computer game) in, what I call, sorting time, I am sifting through my actions in order to arrive at harmony.  For example, because of my own, personal history or historical bias I can put a name or label on something, which then tends to categorize or label that thing and lead to a certain action/attitude.  Like using the words “love” or “God”, emotionally loaded words that mean different things to different people.  Largely because of this, I have a strong tendency to minimize my use of labels and categorizations.  I do need to use words in order to express myself and, I realize, the different meanings they impart are likely to be a good thing, harmonious.