Thursday, August 15, 2013


I went to the healer I go to monthly today, a hands on medical intuitive.  He works on me for two hours with a healing touch capable of making physical changes.  When I do healing touch on others or assist him while he works on me, I work with energy and know nothing of any physical changes that take place, though some do occur.  He has a great deal of knowledge and experience concerning the physical condition of the body and he specifically targets physical change.  Personally, I am overcoming or have overcome several physical problems/conditions that traditional western medicine could not help me with, using the healing touch of each of us, combined with meditation, visualization and traditional health techniques.
Today, while meditating and assisting him energetically, I became aware of a small part of me that still considers my disability and speech impediment to be safe and dependable, a known value as opposed to what would happen if I had neither.  When I encountered that, I successfully released it.  On my way to healing, I have gone through that process repeatedly, with the result of allowing for more healing to take place.