Monday, April 21, 2014

Different Level Of Reality II

Yesterday, I described visitations that I have experienced from non-physical people, spirits, who were actually, I understand through meditation, myself from a previous life.  Since that time I have experienced seeing a condor, a bird with a nine foot wingspan that does not live in this area and which noone else saw, a pinion jay in the middle of a cliff-face with no pinion pines, or any other form of sustenance, in the vicinity, and numerous humming-birds which made no sounds with their wings as they flew.  None of these things were “real”, at least in the physical sense.  These occurrences all represented the presence of different levels of reality.  I would like to point out that there was nothing weird, scary or exceptional in any way about any of these occurrences, as Hollywood often portrays such events, they were simply something that is because it is.