Sunday, November 26, 2017

Dealing With Life

This morning we had a meeting of our reading group in which we are discussing Healing The Heart Of Democracy: The Courage To Create a Politics Worthy of the Human Spirit, by Parker J. Palmer in which he promotes a loving democratic process, a loving way of dealing with political tensions. Later in the day I realized that I felt discouraged since many (most?) people are not interested in the effort it takes to deal with life’s tensions in a constructive, loving way. Similar to Palmer, I advocate for a loving and spiritual response to life’s situations in my book, Three Simple Questions: Being in the World, But Not of It. I also call myself a dreamer since many people do not realize how fulfilling that approach can be. Perhaps they are fine and simply not interested. I will meditate on that! "Few things — no things that I know of — are so completely and effectively restorative as the discovery that this World of the environing Spirit is verily closer to us than breathing and is charged with the resources of Life for which we pant." (Rufus Jones)