Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The One True Path

I am struck by the fact that no matter whether a person calls it Bliss, Self, Supreme, God, All that is, Love, The Causal, The Tao, Christ or any of other numerous names, the feeling of being with that timeless power is still the same.  The names are of the mind and reflect transient, worldly, cultural influences, while that feeling and knowing is eternal and real.  Because of my history, I call it God, Love and Christ, but, more importantly, I know the feeling, which is beyond words. Similarly, the images or visions that various people report from near death experiences or hypnosis differ considerably and, once again, reflect the worldly influences, but the feelings experienced and reported within that place tend to be the same.
There is a knowing which goes along with the feeling and also transcends the words used.  That knowing includes: that everything is connected, we are all part of that power, that power is eternal, the power is inclusive and it feels like truth.  Given the feeling, it is easy to see why, having followed a particular path, a person would think that they had followed the “one true path”.