Sunday, June 23, 2013

Being a Clear Channel

Last night we had a “no sweat”, meaning a sweat lodge ceremony without having a fire or heating up the stones, because of the current fire restrictions in this area.  The no sweats can be just as powerful, spiritually, as a full sweat and, as frequently happens, I went into a meditative state and was minimally conscious of the world around me, during the ceremony.  Evidently I said something which indicated that I was a relatively clear channel for information from God or my own intuition, meaning I have few desires, attachments or ego involvement.  I do recall saying that I had been through extensive “cleansing” of such impediments, and that the cleansing was done, for now.  At any rate and after reflecting on it, I do feel like a fairly clear channel, which feels like being dead to the world, as I knew it.  For example, this morning, before the recovery meeting, a person that I know from meetings, came and sat right next to me for about ten minutes, during which he looked at me intently, but did not speak.  I felt no need to talk or ask what he wanted or anything else.  He finally, excused himself, got up and went to another meeting.