Saturday, June 1, 2013

Progress Not Perfection

The topic at one of my recovery meetings this week was “progress not perfection” and I have been thinking about it since then.  I am aware that I am much more than I thought I could be and a good deal less than I could be.  I really began my growth in 1988 with the beginning of my disability.  At that time, the medical professionals I were relying on made it clear that I had a condition that they could do nothing about and that I would “never get better and continue to get worse”.  Switching from an angry, self destructive attitude to one of loving intent plus the use of healing visualizations, I did, in fact, begin to get physically better.  I have, since, applied the power of love and holistic healing to all aspects of my life, with amazing results.  At this point, I am aware that my biggest block to further growth is myself, my own beliefs and self-doubts.