Sunday, November 17, 2013


For the last several days I have been struck by the level of hunger or longing of the various people I have encountered for some sort of strong, bias-free connection with a “higher power” or God.  The kind of connection that various mystics and spiritual leaders have been talking about and experiencing for centuries.  Knowing that we are all connected and that each of us has a direct connection with that force called God.  Knowing that we are all perfect within our individual imperfections, and that love is the eternal truth which we are all growing towards.
The various religions provide some guidance toward making that connection, but there is generally a bias, which people tire of and then tend to drift away from the spiritual.  Unfortunately, this culture still places emphasis on the importance of the material rather than the spiritual.  There are also many people, like myself, who know of and talk about the importance of that connection.  I also love helping others connect.