Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Using Intuition

At this point, I rely very heavily on my own intuition to guide my actions.  Basically, when approaching any action I get a “quiet” feeling inside that says “go ahead”.  I, now, trust the feeling as long as it is other-directed since, as Mac, a previous mentor used to say “intuition sees the whole picture”.  I have had to be careful in developing this trust, checking often with other, trusted individuals in considering the various options/actions.
In cases where the actions or thoughts are self-directed, I do not trust my intuition since it is usually clouded by my own ego and I rely more on the three questions (would I do this in front of God, is my name really on it, will this increase the integrity of the universe).  Out of those three questions, the most frequently prominent is “will this increase the integrity of the universe”, in other words, “is this the loving thing to do”.
On the occasions that I get a twisted feeling inside, I do not take the action.