Sunday, December 24, 2017


This morning during socializing after an hour of silent worship a group of us were talking about our wish that actions were being taken that were more kind and loving toward each other and the earth. I made the comment that people do not hurt other people unless they have been hurt. Political and cultural decisions are being made out of hurt and fear rather than love and spirituality - unfortunate, or is it. The current trend seems like the natural sequence of events, but I am wary of long term consequences. I am clear that I do not know. "Some course of action which seems so clearly to be leading to disaster may contain a twist of fate which lifts it to success. That accident whose cause was so apparent may have had an inner meaning we cannot see. That sudden death which we think could have been so easily avoided with greater consciousness may not have been the tragedy it appears. The man who died may have been needed elsewhere. We simply do not know. Scientists discover and theologians affirm; but faced with the mystery of life and death we know almost nothing. We can learn from the experts, but our experience may not fit their theories and it is our experience and our experience alone that we should trust."(Claremont deCastillejo)