Saturday, November 12, 2016


It is clear to me that the world is in need of healing and that it will come about through loving responses like the second option I spoke of yesterday. Lashing out and being angry is easy, being loving is not. However, "My experience is that the second option feels a great deal better and adds to the integrity of the universe. It is also my experience that acting out of love causes others to do the same." Love is a force and it spreads.

Friday, November 11, 2016


In my case it is quite clear that I have a choice between two potential approaches to most situations, and that the two responses are quite different. The first option is to act as if I am a hurt and angry child and in that case my response is likely to be some form of lashing out at the person or situation. The second option is to take the approach of a loving, compassionate, empathic adult and in that case my response is likely to be constructive and supportive. The various video clips suggest that our president elect has both sides as well. My experience is that the second option feels a great deal better and adds to the integrity of the universe. It is also my experience that acting out of love causes others to do the same.

Addressing Anger

People on all sides of the political spectrum are expressing anger which is actually rooted in fear and hurt. The fear and hurt is frequently caused by either some form of oppression or the fact that, economically, they are not doing well, both quite understandable. This was clearly expressed in the recent election and can result in violence and divisiveness if a person remains at the level of anger and its expression. On the other hand, if we can focus on the hurt and fear at the root of the anger, we can address the anger with love and compassion. If we focus on the anger we are likely to stay angry. However if we focus on the fear and hurt we may come to a resolution.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Healing 2

Since the election I have seen strong expressions of fear, anger, love, compassion, togetherness, concern about the environment and a "wait-and-see attitude. We need the love and healing. I like the approach suggested by Walsch several years ago "Embrace every circumstance, own every fault, share every joy, contemplate every mystery, walk in every man’s shoes, forgive every offense (including your own), heal every heart, honor every person’s truth, adore every person’s God, protect every person’s rights, preserve every person’s dignity, promote every person’s interests, provide every person’s needs, presume every person’s holiness, present every person’s greatest gifts, produce every person’s blessing, and pronounce every person’s future secure in the assured love of God."

Tuesday, November 8, 2016


Today was election day so I did my exercising, voted, went shopping and set aside a lot of quiet time to reflect on recent events. I would like to see changes in this country in the direction of love, inclusiveness and connection as I describe in my website and book. I see evidence that these attitudes are supported by the people but not the political process. In fact the political process promotes the opposite while paying lip service to love, inclusiveness and connection. Regardless of who wins, the country will need some healing after this election.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Being The Change

Maria and I attended a special meeting of the Friend’s on this evening before the presidential election. The reason was the anxiety, accusations and chaos this election season has caused. Several people in the meeting spoke of the need for us all to be models of love, peace, well-being and acceptance, "The Light" as Quakers like to call it. I was thinking the same. Regardless of who wins the election the populous will need a greater feeling of love, peace, well-being and acceptance since this election season has been so divisive.

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Broadcasting Love

I went to a Friend’s meeting this morning and, as I usually do, I spent most of the hour of silent worship broadcasting love, peace, well-being and acceptance, "The Light" as Quakers like to call it. The people and spirits in that meeting seem to be responding with greater depth of worship and the words they say. My wife and a couple of other people know I am doing that and tell me it is making a difference. One person even commented that she was channeling "Charlie energy". My contribution feels right at this time.