Friday, December 8, 2023


  I once wrote that “Love is a willingness to sacrifice and devote oneself to someone else’s emotional and spiritual well being and growth.  It is both a feeling and the action springing from that feeling.  Passion, excitement and lust come and go, love does not.  Love always increases the integrity of the universe.  It is inclusive, compassionate, understanding, forgiving and accepting.  Judgement, exclusion, self-interest and criticism do not fit within love”

That strikes me today as a very good description.  More recently I have been reflecting on the power of love to heal and support everything and everyone who experiences it.  As I have described earlier in my journal, I use love for my own physical healing.  Feeling love also broadcasts into the energy around us, affecting all, as do fear and anger.  I used to feel a lot of fear and anger — I much prefer the feeling of love.

 "Love has a quality you can learn to discern.  It 'feels right'.  It is truthful and inclusive.  There is no objective measurement to confirm that you are experiencing love.  You can only trust your intuition and do your best.  If you do, your capacity to discern love will grow.  We are all learning this skill." (Shepherd Hoodwin)

Sunday, December 3, 2023

Conscious 2

  I would certainly like to know and understand more about consciousness, but I am also grateful to know that it is far more complex and expansive than commonly believed.  I find that if I listen openly and without judgment or fear, I can hear the “whispers” of plants, spirits and various forces from within the unseen realm around us.  I often notice “lower” animals responding to those whispers as well and suspect that the ability has evolutionary significance.  I have also had several out-of-body experiences when my consciousness seemed to be out of my body.  “There is a door in the mind that opens with acceptance, and closes with judgment of any kind.    There is a door in the heart that opens with trust and closes when fear of any kind is felt.”  (Paul Ferrini)