Thursday, April 18, 2024


  This morning I read “From the heart arise unknowable impulses as well as conscious feeling, moods, and wishes The heart, too, has its reasons and is the center of perception and understanding” (Nouwen).  To me the heart is where love and God reside, not thoughts, logic and reasoning.  In most cases thoughts and logic tend to be fear based, focused on consequences and what ifs.  I prefer to focus on love so I go into meditation, shut off my brain, focus feelings and ask myself “What would love do”.  The answers I get have a lot of power, feel right — and are sometimes a bit scary!

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Power of Love 2

  I will be going to see my doctor in a few days and I this morning I have been musing on my condition and the problem I present to the medical community.  When I was diagnosed (cerebellar degeneration) I was told that I would never get better — I have.  I was expected to die several years ago — I did not.  Because of my health practices I am 75 and significantly healthier than I was at 60, the opposite of what was expected.  I have not even had a cold since 2015 in spite of having been intimately exposed to various viruses numerous times.  For my own sack I need to express this and see what she has to say.

Power of Love

  During the Quaker meeting I attended yesterday someone spoke the phrase “love is stronger than death”, which came through to me strongly as the voice of truth.  In my helping people die, I generally project love to them in order to ease their transition. I just had the privilege of helping a little dog die by  using love to guide it through its confusion and then to the other side.  In these cases I use love and know that it is stronger than death — but I also know that I do not truly understand.  I know enough to know I do not know