For some reason I have been given the power and feeling of love in my life and I chose to share or spread it as much as I can. I am no saint or anyone special in any way outside of the presence of that gift. I feel that Love all of the time and most strongly during my near-death-experience, during healing and in meditation. That feeling has certainly changed my life. I refer to Love as a power since, for me, it has brought about physical healing and abilities that other people consider impossible. I also believe the source of that power to be God but see no need to make that connection — Love is stronger than that.
This website is about the value of love, spirituality, the potential of the mind-body connection and the connection with all things. These are my daily thoughts about my life, my feelings, and my spiritual journey. I post these "Daily Journals" on a regular basis, so please come back often to read my latest posting.
Friday, December 4, 2020
Thursday, December 3, 2020
That Small Quiet Voice
Within each of us is that part which senses the loving/compassionate action to be taken, the part that senses God and eternity, the part commonly called “that small quiet voice”. In my case I cultivate that voice by listening, acting and being grateful for it. In my case it is no longer small or quiet, and I like it that way. I note that most of technology, like the internet, social media or I-phones, can draw me away from that part, if I indulge in them for any length of time. On the other hand sitting quietly, walking in nature and meditating bring me closer to that part. I do a lot of the latter, things that fit well within the pandemic!
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Spiritual Path
As I say in my book “You are on a spiritual path whether you know it, intend it, admit it or not.” We are all on a spiritual path. A major part of my path is to change the world by spreading the Love I was shown during my Near-Death-Experience. I have been doing that for years but now there is a change afoot and I do not know what that change is. I am impatient and I am fond of clarity so the uncertainty bothers me. My path has always been on a “need to know”, so I suspect that I’ll know when the time is right! I write this to re-assure myself."...would you say all of humanity is on a spiritual path? Absolutely. It's a beautiful thought, Emmanuel. The entire universe is a beautiful thought." (Pat Rodegast and Judith Stanton)
Tuesday, December 1, 2020
Holistic Healing
For the last day I have spent much of the time focused on the feeling of unconditional love and reflecting on the power/force those thoughts contain for physical, emotional and spiritual well being and healing. As far as my physical healing I focus on God, love and harmony with all things, direct that feeling into my hands and send it wherever I need healing. I can feel the shift in energy and assume healing is taking place. I get miraculous result which are really just an expansion of what is commonly called “the placebo effect” There is a lot of power/force there which is frequently not recognized.
Monday, November 30, 2020
A great deal of what I do daily requires a high level of focus and concentration, even the muscular control of walking or eating. If my focus on walking is broken by being surprised by something or having my attention drawn away, I stumble and occasionally even fall. Similar things happen with my other activities, which is why I value silence so highly. Silence around me enables me to easily focus on the thoughts or activities at hand, even unconditional love or other internal emotions. I prefer to not have noisy distractions around me. “When a peaceful silence lay over all, and the night had run half of her swift course, down from the heavens, from the royal throne, leapt your all powerful word.” (the book of Wisdom 18:14, 15)
Sunday, November 29, 2020
I mentioned the other day that my goal is to change the world one person at a time.” Right now many decisions are made out of fear, resulting in separation, aggression and defensiveness. I am promoting a shift to acting out of love, resulting in connection, understanding and compassion. I do not know what that will look like precisely since everyone is different and the loving approach is to honor and support that difference. The shift I envision would benefit all people and everything on earth. I am one man but I will do what I can each day. “We shall never succeed in stopping war until we have a human society permeated with persons who practice a way of life which removes and abolishes the grounds and occasions of war, and at the same time matures and ripens a spirit of mutual understanding and personal cooperation.” (Rufus Jones)