Friday, December 18, 2020


This morning I am especially aware that I have several special “gifts” from God/Universe which I have come to depend on daily.  The foundation for those gifts is a close connection with God and the people I work with.  I can sense eternity, God’s Love and guidance and many things about other people.  That connection adds a sense of purpose and fullness to my life.  Offshoots of that connection include; knowing things, self-healing, healing of others and a sense of well-being.  I cannot say that I worry about losing those gifts but I feel reassured when I see evidence of their presence in my life, which I have seen recently.  As if to increase my awareness, those gifts were taken from me for part of a day a few years ago — a horrible feeling.  I am grateful for their presence.


Thursday, December 17, 2020


  The roads around my house are snow covered since it is twenty-two degrees and snowed yesterday.  Today seems like a good day to be peaceful, quiet and stay at home doing some exercise, cleaning and cooking.  Yesterday I talked with someone who’s refrigerator is not working, reminding me that I can also be grateful for having a warm house with working appliances.  As is usually the case, my best option is to peacefully accept the reality of what is and go about enjoying my day.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020


  Today I feel “solid”, not positive but more neutral which means that I was able to listen clearly yesterday and act accordingly.  Yesterday I felt the need for sorting/contemplative time which I did until that time was complete (three hours).  I took the time to sit and do absolutely nothing, which is hard for me since I have an internal voice that interferes with my listening by urging me to be active, to do things.  Nothing has really changed, the world is still in chaos and I still have assorted joint pain but I feel good about being able to listen about my own needs.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Sorting Time

  This morning I am feeling a pull to have more “sorting” time for myself, time to do nothing but sit and contemplate my life with no distractions like TV or radio.  It’s a feeling of being slightly off center, a feeling of things not being quite right.  It’s not that I am busy at all — I am not.  I just need a lot of quiet, sorting time in order to feel well balanced..  That will be easy to arrange all I need is the discipline necessary — no problem. “It [inner silence] is to establish an inner peace, an inner harmony, which will allow us authentically to contribute to the establishment of an outer peace and an outer harmony in the world at large.” (Seeger)

Monday, December 14, 2020


  I have noticed that I have an insidious tendency to interact with the world as I perceive it rather than the reality of the way it is.  I can have attitudes or beliefs that prevent me from really seeing things as they are and, then, as a result, reacting less affectively.  For example, my perception of my physical condition often depends on my mood at the time.  If my mood is depressed or sad I tend to have a low opinion of my abilities and, conversely, if my mood  is on the manic side I tend to overrate myself.   I do better when I can simply accept things the way they are.  It is only when I have total acceptance of reality that I can take maximally affective actions.