Wednesday, January 2, 2013

The Other Side of the Veil

I found it quite moving today to read the account of Eben Alexander’s of his near-death-experience in his book Proof of Heaven .  Particularly the fact that he, I and numerous others experience basically the same, very intense feelings of love, total peace, well being and comfort on the other side of the veil.  He too sensed that there is/was a great deal of power there and that he was being shown very specific things in order that he could bring the information back to this reality, much as in my case.  The appearance and experiences while on the other side vary depending on the person’s history and beliefs but the feelings are the same.
If I focus on that feeling and remind myself of the experiences during meditation, I can return to that feeling, as have various saints and mystics.  If I start off the day with an extended period of doing that type of prayer and meditation, I can carry that feeling with me during the day.  Doing that certainly changes my experience of the day!  Everything is much more intense and I can feel the connection to everything and everybody.